Published Articles

AriseXchange Network: Facebook buys What’s App

Ari Zoldan speaks on Facebook buying What’s App

Dartmouth president vows to curb student misbehavior

Ari Zoldan speaks on topic on Dartmouth president vowing to curb student misbehavior.

3 Ways to Give Your Startup a Competitive Technological Edge

With the Internet of Things at the forefront of the most current tech innovations, the question isn't whether to join the revolution, but how.   Today's entrepreneurs are facing a new ultimatum: IoT or die. The Internet of Things...

The Secrets Behind Israel’s Mysterious Startup Success

The challenges facing the world's largest startup incubator, and how this small country can overcome them.   Even as a country with less than 8 million people, Israel maintains roughly 4,000 startups today. The New Jersey-sized country's venture capital per...

Chatbots Are Finally Ready to Take Your Customer Service Jobs

When programmed properly, robotic reps could greatly improve your customers' experience.   Customer service has always been a crucial determination of success for any business. Did you know that 91 percent of unsatisfied customers will not return for...

Why Social Entrepreneurship Is Hotter Now Than Ever Before

Social entrepreneurship sounds risky, but is it any more of a leap than launching a for-profit startup?   Retaining your consumer base is no longer just about delivering a good product. In 2013, a study conducted by Cone Communications...

3 Must-Have Cars For the Traveling Entrepreneur

Your car should be as tech savvy as you are.   For several years, when drivers thought of high-tech vehicles, only energy efficient, electric cars came to mind. Now, there's a new wave of tech infiltrating the automobile industry, and...

5 Great Elementary School Tips for Adults (In Honor of Back-to-School Season)

The lessons we learned in elementary school may seem like a distant memory, but they continue to hold value and should be applied every day.   As they used to sing in those old TV ads...

Election Got You Down? Try This Brain Hack for Better Perspective

There's a lot of polarization these days. Let's try to find some objective, non-judgmental awareness in the final hours leading up to the election. Finally, we have reached the homestretch of this tumultuous election. Though we may...

Why ‘Dress for Success’ Still Matters (Perhaps More Than Ever)

More than ever, employees are confused on how to dress for work. They shouldn't be.   First impressions are unavoidable. You can spend a long time trying to convince others of your qualities, but you'll have...

How to Get 1 Million Views In 4 Hours: My Case Study

Livestreaming technology is in full bloom and now its time to crush it and build your audience.   Nowadays, having good content is hardly enough. No matter what you offer, its overall value is ultimately defined by the...

How to Make Your Customers Stop and Like Your Photos When Scrolling Through Instagram

Stop wasting your time taking worthless photos. It's time to do it right and maximize your shots.   Anyone can snap a photo and upload it to Instagram. This means that our feeds are constantly flooded with...

Here’s Why I Disconnect for 25 Hours Each Week

There's no tweeting, snapping, posting, or sharing, but I view Shabbat, and its associated laws, as a wonderful gift.   It's Friday night. The sun is setting. It's time to turn off the laptops and put all work...

6 Eating Habits That Can Boost Your Productivity

Why risk the statistics? All it takes is the commitment to form new habits.   Ever heard the phrase "you are what you eat"? It's true. When you eat something fatty, you feel heavy and sluggish....

7 Ways to Turn a Toxic Co-Worker Into an Ally

Take a moment to assess your own emotional makeup. It might serve as a useful insight as to why some personalities trigger frustration in you. You know those people that are... hmm..., undeniably high maintenance...

3 Trends That Are Changing the Way Fans Interact With Sports (and How Your...

As sports consumption continues to shift, there are more opportunities for brands to engage audiences.   Disruption is everywhere, so it only makes sense that professional sports is next. Innovative technologies, applications and media platforms are emerging as literal game-changers...

5 Ways to Improve Your Decision Making Skills

When there's far too many options at hand, here's the science behind making better, clearer and faster decisions.   The American life, believe it or not, has its trials. We may not have to face famine...

Flying Has Been Hell Recently, And Now The Airlines Are Responding.

Elliott is a customer advocacy website and keeps track of its grievances filed. In June 2017, there were 30 complaints against American Airlines. A month later, that number doubled to 60. So while American may be doing...

Stop Wasting Your Time at Networking Events. Consider These Alternatives

A major shift away from traditional networking is occurring. Avoid getting stuck in the past as the new age of professional connecting is in full bloom.   You know those dreaded networking events? We've all been there. Awkward...

Your Brand is Killing Your Business. Here’s What to Do About It

A good brand can go a long way to helping build a successful business.   Your company's brand is its identity. A brand is key to the story you tell; it is the face your company presents to the world....

How Creative Marketers Use Artificial Intelligence to Deliver a Better Experience

AI is the future of marketing but are you ready?   We are in the midst of an AI arms race. Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft have all have made significant investments in artificial intelligence. The world of marketing has...

These Are the Essential Ingredients in Every Great Personal Brand

It's important to remain sincere, genuine, and honest. I am a self confessed brand junkie. I have worked with companies large and small, high profile individuals, celebrities and everything in between. One of the most important things you...

How to Reap the Benefits of the Internet of Things and Avoid Security Problems

IoT is about to become a major technological breakthrough, but the risks may be very concerning. The Internet of Things is an increasingly important technology for businesses to use, but it comes at the expense of cybersecurity. Luckily, you...

Bitcoin Bounces Back: Why the Digital Economy Is Still Alive and Thriving

Bitcoin made a modest comeback through April. This time around we won't see a sudden spike to $20,000, but sustained growth.   The cryptocurrency bubble was, as it turns out, short lived. After a dramatic correction through the beginning of...

3 Ways Business Leaders Can Benefit From Spending Time Outdoors

What can we learn about business by taking a hike? It turns out a lot more than you might think.   Typically, when we think of business we either think of office space, boardrooms, or (in the...

How 1 Simple Technique Helped This CEO Make Millions

One simple technique championed by Founder and CEO Riggs Kubiak scored him millions.   People love to make things more complicated than they really are. When it comes to business, there is an army of people who would...

Want to Attract Bigger Clients? Take a Look at How Luxury Brands Do it...

Understanding your audience's needs is an essential aspect of branding and marketing efforts.   Branding is more than just graphic design and brainstorming slogans. It's about telling a unified story across all channels that will resonate with your intended audience....

That Afternoon Coffee Is Hurting Your Performance. Here’s How to Stay Productive Without Caffeine

Here are a few things you can do to boost your energy and focus. Coffee is the great unifier. Young and old, East Coast and West Coast (and everywhere in between), we all drink coffee. In...

Want to Remember the Notes You Take? Here’s Why You Need to Write Them...

Handwriting notes has been proven to solidify thoughts better than typing, helping us retain information.   It's the worst feeling. We get a call or an email suddenly reminding us that a project is due or an important meeting has passed...

3 Ways Automation Can Transform Your Business

These are the trends at the nexus of automation and business success.   As we head toward 2020, automation is becoming table stakes for any company to compete. Businesses large and small are embracing cloud automation technologies to help...

Want to Truly Engage Your Customers? You Need to Master This First

Branded content can entertain people or teach them something, resulting in better brand engagement.   There was a time when branded content was the realm of advertising. It was clearly delineated from news and entertainment content, and boasted...

How Clean Energy and Profitability Go Hand-in-Hand

Many people think of economic development and environmentalism as diametrically opposed.   It seems to be a common misconception that environmentalism and economic growth are opposed, but nothing could be further from the truth. The economic power of...

Internet Turns 25

Ari Zoldan speaks on the Internet turning 25 on Arise Xchange

Amazon Anticipatory Shopping / Omaha and the NFL

It was revealed recently that has obtained a patent for what it calls “anticipatory shipping” — a system of delivering products to customers before they place an order. Ari Zoldan talks on Fox...

Google buys Boston Dynamics

Fox Business Google Buys Boston Dynamics: Ari Zoldan Quantum Networks CEO tells us the purpose for Google’s robot. Why would they spend money buying the technology for a robotics maker? Is this a marketing...

Fox 5 News Twitter IPO

Ari Zoldan speaks about Twitter IPO